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Collin’s Story: Adventures with Readers’ Theatre

Collin is continuing to make great progress. He is consistently self-correcting errors, he seems to be learning new words fairly well, and he is also getting a bit faster in his reading.

This week I introduced him to a new book from the African Friends set. Little Monkey is Brave is a level 6/D book from this Readers’ Theatre set. Each book in this set includes a story and the same story rewritten as a play. I also gave Collin the little finger puppets that go with this set so he could perform the play with his family. He was very excited, and his parents told me the whole family enjoyed retelling the story using the puppets. Introducing your students and children to fun and exciting ways to enjoy their reading is almost always met with great success!

Here is a clip of Collin performing the play with me! Watch it and see what you think of Collin’s progress as a reader.

Michele Dufresne is author of many Pioneer Valley Books early readers (including the Bella and Rosie series), Word Solvers Heinemann), and an early literacy and literacy intervention consultant.

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