- Personalized learning tracks enhance independent reading to meet the needs of every student
- Motivating reading goals and rewards engage students and inspire growth
- An expanding library of decodable books and fiction and nonfiction readers supports a wide range of readers

High-Quality Content
Digital Reader delivers 1,000+ fiction, nonfiction, and decodable books, with new books added every month! Each book has been carefully crafted and illustrated to support and challenge a wide range of readers.

Independent Learning Track
Digital Reader provides a highly personalized learning experience based on individual skill level and needs—pairing interactive games and videos with our books to keep students engaged.

Kid-Friendly Platform
Digital Reader is easy to use and provides customizable character avatars, reading badges, and goal-setting options to keep students motivated.

Data Tracking Tools and Reports
Whether you are looking to review an individual student’s results with parents or share a report with an administrator, Digital Reader provides real-time data with the Books Read, Assignments Completed, Time Spent Reading, Word Study Results, and Class Progress tracking tools. Comprehensive reports of student progress make it easy to adjust and appropriately challenge your readers.

Assessment and Data Center
Digital Reader provides a suite of assessment resources—from gauging reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension through texts to evaluating letter, sound, and encoding knowledge. Teachers gain valuable insights into each student’s strengths and weaknesses in order to tailor instruction based on changing needs, and identify appropriate books for independent reading success.

NEW: Letter Tray
The new Letter Tray is an interactive digital tool that provides hands-on practice for letter learning and word study. Students and teachers can manipulate letters in a virtual workspace to support phonics instruction, practice making words activities, learn sight words, and more!
While the Letter Tray works wonderfully on desktops, try it out on a tablet or smartboard to get the full drag-and-drop experience!

NEW: Student Audio Recording
Listen to students read aloud—anytime, anywhere! You won’t always be sitting right next to a student to listen to them read. Assess students’ oral reading on your schedule with the new Student Audio Recording feature.
Students can record themselves reading books out loud in the Digital Reader. Then teachers review the recordings at their convenience to assess decoding skills, reading accuracy, and fluency.

Reading Adventures
There are four stops that students will make on each Reading Adventures journey: Play the Game, Watch the Video, Read the Book, and Think about the Story.
After completing the Interactive Word Study, the video, and the first reading of the book, students will then move on to a short quiz, where three comprehension questions will help them Think about the Story.

Pioneer Valley Books is a signatory on the Student Privacy Pledge for our Digital Reader privacy policy.
Digital Reader Privacy Policy [PDF]
Additional questions regarding Student Data Privacy may be directed to privacy@pioneervalleybooks.com.