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Pioneer Valley Books provides educators with quality books, quality materials, and science-backed instruction. We are committed to providing high-quality solutions for all types of literacy instruction for pre-K through sixth grade students. 

Our collection of beautifully illustrated books includes decodable books, natural language-based/leveled books, lap books with rhymes and songs, graphic novels, and award-winning fiction and nonfiction books designed to engage and support all readers. At Pioneer Valley Books, we believe that every book used for instruction should have engaging plots and/or interesting information, and also be developmentally appropriate, with factors that include linguistic complexity, sentence and passage length, font, and carefully calibrated proportion of word difficulty.

Our extensive array of literacy resources has been beloved by teachers for over 20 years. Phonics tools ensure student engagement to promote skill building and retention and include magnetic letters and trays, sound box cards, phonics games, lap boards, and sight word resources. The sturdiness of the materials means that they can be used and shared again and again. 

We believe that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all curriculum, which is why we offer many different literacy solutions. All of our science-backed curricula have been developed and piloted by literacy experts and go through a robust research and development cycle. We are dedicated to creating literacy systems that are highly impactful, student-centered, and supportive of teachers.

At Pioneer Valley Books, we value:  

Kindness KINDNESS—Compassionate and sympathetic behavior marked by acts of generosity, 
rendering assistance, or showing concern for others without expecting praise or rewards
 in return. “We are kind to one another.”



Respect RESPECTBehavior marked by intentional regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, 
opinions, or traditions of others. “We are genuine, open, direct and respectful to one another.”



Fairness FAIRNESSTreating people equitably and making determinations and decisions that are 
free from discrimination. “We treat people with dignity.”



Collaboration COLLABORATIONThe process of sharing information, resources, and responsibilities with 
teams or partners to jointly plan, implement, and evaluate a program of activities to
 achieve a common goal. “We are inclusive.”



Camaraderie CAMARADERIEThe understanding, loyalty, and trust created between colleagues at work 
as they build friendships and community. “We are a team.”



Pioneer Valley Books is proud to be counted as a Massachusetts's Best Place for Working Parents® in recognition of our family-friendly practices that help our employees and our business thrive!



Our Commitment

At Pioneer Valley Books we believe in the inherent worth and dignity of all people. We also believe that literacy is the pathway to engagement and success in school and beyond. Our goal is to create texts and tools that nurture, represent, and validate a more diverse and inclusive generation of children as they learn to read, write, and think about the wider world around them. We strive to encourage learners of all kinds with products that reflect our openness to all cultures and ethnicities.

We stand in solidarity with the larger global community to speak out against discrimination, racism, injustice, and inequity, and to help create a world that is kinder and wiser.

—Michèle Dufresne, President, Pioneer Valley Books

Our Mission

Pioneer Valley Books offers educators high-quality print and digital products that provide diverse learners with comprehensive and explicit literacy instruction. Our engaging books, efficient assessments, dynamic lesson plans, powerful intervention tools, and other indispensable classroom resources improve teachers’ effectiveness and encourage every student to become a lifelong reader and writer.

Our Vision

Pioneer Valley Books creates resources for students and educators that foster a generation of lifelong learners who appreciate the value of reading, writing, and thinking critically about the world around them.

Our History

Pioneer Valley Books was founded in 1998 in Amherst, Massachusetts, to provide books for children learning to read. We started with our Classic Black and White books. In 2007, Pioneer Valley Educational Press and Literacy Footprints, a literacy book and software company, merged. We have grown into a significant publisher with hundreds of titles in our catalog and a growing selection of innovative literacy teaching resources.

Our Customers

We believe that customer service is a cornerstone of our business. We are available to work one-on-one with each customer to find the right book for your child, student, or classroom. We also will gladly work with school districts and administrators who are making curriculum choices for their schools. Our customer service department will personally answer your questions and assist you with your order.

Our Team

Find out more about the team that helps to bring you quality books and resources year after year.
