Pioneer Valley Books has partnered with researchers and educators to measure the impact of our programs in the classroom.

An ESSA Tier II study designed and conducted by an independent third party has shown implementing Stepping Together and Phonics Launch to have statistically significant results. Using these whole-class and small-group literacy solutions can help students gain essential literacy skills at an accelerated rate.
The study was conducted in one district in Ohio and uses district wide i-Ready assessment data from the 2023-24 school year to determine the relationship between Stepping Together and Phonics Launch and student literacy performance in grades K–2.

JEM & R study finds that students who received instruction from Stepping Together and Phonics Launch made significantly greater reading achievement gains and had a higher rate of growth in reading performance than their peers in the control group whose teachers used different reading instructional programs.
The study was conducted in one district in Ohio and uses district wide assessment data from the 2023–24 school year to determine the relationship between Stepping Together and Phonics Launch and student literacy performance in grades K–2.

McREL Study Finds Literacy Footprints Meets Criteria for Tier 1 (Strong Evidence) under ESSA [PDF]
McREL researchers conducted a matched pair cluster randomized control trial to investigate LFP’s possible effects on student achievement.

A matched pair cluster randomized control trial was conducted during the 2021–2022 school year with 3,071 students enrolled in 29 public elementary schools in the School District of Manatee County, a large, suburban school district in Florida.

To examine the impact of the Digital Reader on student learning, McREL conducted a quasi-experimental analysis comparing outcomes for students who used the Digital Reader and those who did not across 31 elementary schools.
The following study is in progress. We look forward to publishing initial results.

In Progress: In Tandem Quasi-Experimental Study
A quasi-experimental study is being planned in Florida. This study will be designed to meet ESSA Tier 3 requirements and is addressing the following research questions:
- What is the effect of In Tandem on K–1 student literacy achievement? How does the performance of students who use In Tandem differ from those who do not use In Tandem?
- How does In Tandem differentially affect subgroups of students? Specifically, how do changes in literacy performance achieved by specific subgroups of In Tandem students (ethnic minority students, English language learners, students in special education, and students eligible for free or reduced-price meals) compare to changes achieved by subgroups of comparison group students?
In order to examine differences in performance changes, the districts will share data (demographic and STAR assessment data). The comparison sample from schools not using In Tandem is being determined via propensity score matching.