Meet the faces behind Pioneer Valley Books.


Pioneer Valley Books CEO/Creative Director Michèle Dufresne needs little introduction as the heart of our company and a founding member. She is a former Reading Recovery Teacher Leader. She started writing books when working with some of her first Reading Recovery students who needed some extra motivation. She is passionate about helping teachers with their mission of helping children learn to read and write and love books. One of her favorite things about working here is getting letters from teachers and children. She has four grandchildren: Jaxson, Harper, Mae, and Simon. She loves sharing books with them and watching them grow as readers. In her spare time she loves to take her dogs for walks on the beach in St. Augustine, Florida. 


Lauri Yanis, Vice President of Business Development, is wildly proud to be a part of the Pioneer Valley Books team, focusing on bringing our excellent books into the lives of teachers and young readers all over the world. Lauri is proud to work directly with customers as well as in product development to ensure that teachers have access to and understanding of everything we can do to support literacy in schools. Lauri often reminds the teams at PVB that we may not be saving lives with our books, but we do get to change lives. After more than two decades with PVB, Lauri would rather not choose a favorite character because she'd hate to make any of them feel badly about themselves.


Chris Sullivan, Executive Vice President of Operations & Administration, is excited and proud to work for a company that promotes children's literacy. She's a secret hoarder of school supplies, and in that same vein, her favorite piece of advice is to learn something new every day. When she's not working, she loves to spend time with her husband, three sons, and two dogs. She also enjoys hiking, boating, and feeding all of her pond friends (koi, turtles, and frogs).


Vice President of Publications Karen Cangemi describes her role as "multifaceted," as she writes and develops content for lessons, Professional Learning opportunities and presentations, webinars, and more! True to the adventurous nature of her favorite literary character, Anne of Green Gables, Karen enjoys traveling to places she's never been. To her, the best part of working for PVB is being surrounded by extraordinary people who deeply care about the important role literacy plays in children’s lives.



Allison Stull, Professional Learning and Curriculum Developer, supports the professional development and curriculum learning team. If she could have a superpower, she'd like to be able to fly—perhaps to quickly procure additions to her secret hoard of sugary coffee drinks. She spends her off hours with family and friends, playing with her dogs, running, playing soccer, and doing CrossFit. The best piece of advice she's ever gotten is from her grandma: "This too shall pass."


Emily Wayman, Professional Learning and Curriculum Developer, loves her brilliant team, and traveling around the country to meet so many others who are passionate about literacy. It will surprise no one that her superpower is laughter: "Everything seems better if you're smiling." Her preferred spare time activities include reading, boating, gardening, and playing games with her family. The two PVB characters who have won her heart are Jasper, for always being true to himself, and Clarence, for his sweetness and gentleness.


Alora Heffernan, Conference & Events Account Manager, spends the day building and organizing our educational events and talking about her favorite story characters. Due to his sweet and helpful nature Rusty the Robot is her favorite. During her free time, she enjoys reading, shopping for fabric to complete her latest sewing project, and spending time with her animals including her seven chickens. She secretly hoards baking recipes and baking pans.  



Tara Wells, Director of Sales and Marketing, describes her role as shouting about our products from the rooftop. Since she loves musicals, there's probably some singing and dancing involved too. If a movie (musical) were made about her, the theme song would be "Dancing through Life," from "Wicked," and she'd be played by Julianne Hough, the dancer, flourishing one of Tara's many purple pens as she spins. Naturally, her favorite PVB characters are Bella and Rosie.

Jessica Caruso, Customer Support Manager, oversees an exceptional team that is focused on providing extraordinary customer service, and appreciates being surrounded by such amazing and talented people. If a movie was made about her, she'd be played by Sigourney Weaver (c. 1980), and her theme song would be "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield. In her off hours, she enjoys spending time with her family, cooking, gardening, and reading. The best piece of advice she's received is, "Change the world by being yourself," which seems consistent with her favorite fictional character: "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." At PVB, she thinks Georgie Giraffe is tops.




Beth Millerschin, Customer Support Supervisor, values the opportunity to work remotely for PVB doing something she's passionate about. A former kindergarten teacher, if a movie was made about her, she'd be played by Sandra Bullock, its theme song would be "ABC" by the Jackson 5, and she'd sit down to watch it eating Rice Krispie treats from her secret stash. Her favorite fictional character is Corduroy, and at PVB, Bella and Rosie have won her heart. The best piece of advice she's gotten is, "Remember who you are."


Crystal Hale, Lead Customer Support Representative, loves being part of a company that makes her feel valued. When she's not working, she likes to go for long walks with her husband and dog, travel on spontaneous beach trips, and she makes candles and wax melts—which leads directly to her secret hoard of candles. Finding new scents makes her so happy! Her favorite fictional character is Ron Weasley, and her favorite PVB character is Rosa. The best piece of advice she's gotten is, "Don’t count the days, make the days count."


Jonathan Duke Velez, Lead Customer Support Representative, is "one useful piece of the PVB puzzle." If he could choose a superpower, he'd opt for the power of foresight so that he could prevent tragedies before they happened. When he's not working, Jonathan likes to play video games, and his favorite PVB character is Oliver the Cat. The best piece of advice he's ever received is, "There's a difference between doing what's easy and what's right—wisdom is knowing the difference."


Grace LaChapelle, Senior Customer Support Representative, brings a bright spark of enthusiasm to her role with the company, inspiring joy in her co-workers and customers with her optimistic perspective and focus on gratitude. When she is away from the Reception area at PVB, she enjoys collaging vision boards, meditating each morning, coloring mandalas, finding inspiration in nature, connecting with friends, reading healthy food blogs and experimenting in the kitchen. Grace’s first job in high school was as a Library Page in the Children’s Room, so her professional circuit came full circle when she joined the team at PVB. She enjoys spending the day with hard-working, fun-loving people, and our occasional Thursday company lunches!


Customer Support Representative Seth Frisby processes orders and helps as many people as possible each day. If a movie was made about him, he'd be played by Matthew McConaghey "with a beard and poorer posture," and the theme song would be "This Is Why We Fight" by The Decemberists. He loves the daily pet pictures at PVB, and spends his free time playing with his daughter, playing video games, board games, and D&D, and, of course, reading. He describes his Patronus as "a sedate Wookie."


Kim Gray, Customer Support Representative, considers her co-workers a big perk of working for PVB, though she also enjoys working from home. If a movie was made about her, she'd be played by Jane Fonda, and the theme song would be "You've Got to Be Carefully Taught," by James Taylor. She's an amateur photographer in her off-hours, and she loves dogs: Kim considers Lily the Golden Retriever to be her Patronus, and her favorite PVB character is Reginald the Stinky Dog.


Sham Manka, Customer Support Representative, is excited to be a part of the PVB team. She likes to make people laugh and is a bit of a prankster—we'll consider ourselves warned! If a movie was made about her, its theme song would be the soundtrack from "The Piano" (1993) by Michael Nyman, and she'd be played by Batman. The best advice she's received is, "Live life now, be grateful every day, stay positive and always be kind to others and be kind to yourself." In her spare time, she likes to read, watch movies, work out, and cook. 




Educational Account Manager Colleen Sculleigh Osman loves being surrounded by books all day here at PVB. She simply and directly describes her job helping customers, saying, "I help people get what they want." When she's not answering a myriad of questions for teachers, Colleen is happiest galloping through the woods on her mare. She's a dedicated rider, which may also be why her favorite PVB character is Marshmallow the Pony and she'd love to have the power to tame a wild mustang without fettering its spirit.


Jennine Brown, Educational Account Manager, is passionate about literacy. She loves supporting and connecting educators to the solutions that make it possible for their students to thrive. She saves all of the greeting cards she's received to revisit, and when she's not working, she loves to read—and not only greeting cards! Her favorite fictional character is Aslan from C. S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. She also enjoys the outdoors, whether walking, hiking, or working in her yard.


Alison Garcia, Senior Business Development Specialist, provides support to the sales team. If there's a common thread connecting her personal theme song ("Happy" by Pharrell Williams), her favorite literary character (Anne Elliot from Jane Austen's Persuasion), and her joy in fabric and fiber crafting, it seems tied to the best piece of advice she's ever received: "Be present." She hasn't chosen a favorite PVB character, but since her Patronus is a cat, Oliver the Cat and Jasper the Cat are the primary contenders.


Educational Account Manager Mackenzie Cox lives in the moment, and loves getting to hear the responses from teachers and parents on how much they love our company and products. In her spare time, she likes to bake, coach youth cheerleading, and sing at her local faith establishment. She considers Clarence the Dragon her Patronus, because he is kind, generous, and loves chocolate chip cookies. Her favorite quote comes from Walt Disney: "Around here we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”


Hailee Kibbe, Educational Account Manager, loves the feeling of community at PVB, and that in her role she can spread the joy of reading. She's kept every birthday and greeting card given to her. In her off hours, she enjoys traveling and camping with her husband and two kids. While her Patronus is the decidedly earthbound otter, her preferred superpower is the ability to fly—free airfare! Matilda is her favorite fictional character, and here at PVB, she's all about Sally the Cow.


Educational Account Manager Ashley Fazio appreciates the opportunity to help and support teachers, students, and parents. She'd love the ability to time travel, so she could visit ancestors, and perhaps take a peek at the future. If a movie were made about her, its theme song would be Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," and she'd be played by Leslie Mann or Reese Witherspoon. Her favorite quote is by Maya Angelou: "Be the rainbow in someone else's cloud."




Leah Allen-Manning, Content Marketing Manager, works to craft and refine the narrative of who PVB is and what problems we solve for our audience. She sews her own clothes, and hoards a not-so-secret fabric stash, as one does. Her favorite fictional character is Anne of Green Gables, and her favorite PVB character is Gilbert the Pig. The best piece of advice she's ever received is, "If you feel like you hate everyone, eat something. If you feel like everyone hates you, go to sleep."


Senior Marketing Project Manager Marie Gauthier shepherds marketing materials and content from conception through design and editorial, and then out the door to fans, old and new. If a movie were made about her, its theme song would be "Just Keep Swimming," and she'd be played by Emma Stone. Her favorite fictional character is Elizabeth Bennet. The best advice she has ever gotten? "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."



Editor-in-Chief Laura Angel keeps the editorial process churning with her eagle eye and consistent "can do" attitude. When she isn’t focused on developing and editing PVB content, she can be found hovering around the industrial Keurig with her tea-buddies. In her time away from her role here, she enjoys yoga, reading, tea drinking, painting, and chasing after her five children. If she could have any superpower, she’d love to be able to fly, just like her favorite PVB character, Clarence the Dragon!


Marlee Kelleher, Editor, describes her work here as being a small integral part of a much larger whole. Her days include copyediting, managing teacher reviews, formatting manuscripts, processing invoices, drinking tea, and so much more! She enjoys the welcoming atmosphere of the company and the perk of crossword puzzles in the bathroom stall. The best piece of advice she's ever gotten was from her mom: "Kindness matters."


Julia Richardson, Senior Editor, loves to read, so she's thrilled to get to be part of instilling a passion for reading in generations to come. She claims to be an open book, with nothing to hide. In a movie about her, she'd be played by Jennifer Lawrence, and the theme song would be "Let's Dance" by David Bowie. Her favorite literary character is Bilbo Baggins, and Daisy is the PVB character who's won her heart. The best piece of advice she's received came from her mother: "This too shall pass."


Robin Tutt, Senior Project Editor, organizes things for fun. Her lists have lists. Her superpower of choice would be teleportation, or flight—anything to help procure her vice of choice (chocolate) that much quicker. She's not sure a movie about her merits a theme song, since it would primarily consist of her cleaning the kitchen or reading on the couch. She'd rather the actor playing her be someone new on the scene, in need of a break-out role. Her favorite PVB character must be Jasper the cat, an illustrated companion to her own cat, Jaspurr. 


Project Editor Erin Windholz, imagining all the books she could read, and sourdough loaves she could bake with Breadadict Cumberbatch, doesn't hesitate to wish for the power to freeze time. When she's not working, she likes to complete the NYT Sunday Crossword (which could take up a rather lot of that spare time...), and to do all things outdoors at Blue Mountain Lake in the Adirondacks. She names the giraffe as her Patronus, so it naturally follows that her favorite PVB character is Georgie Giraffe. 


Ashley Zimmerman, Project Editorprovides key support to the project management/communications side of editorial processes. If a movie were made about her, she'd be played by Carey Mulligan, and its theme song would be "Wildflowers," by Tom Petty. A nurturer by nature, her Patronus is a robin, and she hoards (and shares) coffee and flowers. The best piece of advice she's ever gotten is, "Hold tight to small joys!"


Michelle Hajian, Senior Literacy Researcherspends her time on state list applications, new product research, and research for current products and conferences. With family living internationally and a love for travel, Michelle would choose to have the ability to speak any language as her superpower. Her favorite fictional book character is Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice, and in her off hours, Michelle likes to read, cook with her husband, and watch sports.



If Michèle is the heart of our company, then CFO Bob Dufresne is its soul. (He also makes sure all the bills get paid.) In his spare time, Bob likes to work on Physics problems. If he had a superpower, it would be to make sure everyone who needed a great cup of coffee had one. If an actor were to play him in a movie, it would be George Clooney (Michèle may have filled this out for him).


Lisa Ahlstrom, Senior Finance Manager, oversees and executes the financial transactions of the company. She loves working at Pioneer Valley Books for many reasons, chief among them its mission to promote children's early literacy. In her spare time, she reads cooking magazines, gardens, and tends to her human and animal family. The best piece of advice she's ever gotten? "Make hay while the sun shines."


Ann Rutkowski is our Senior Purchasing Agent. Ann’s role is evolving, changing and growing daily, with the aim of helping PVB develop a process to aid us in maintaining our inventory levels and get the most bang for our buck. Ann would love to be able to time travel so that she can visit different parts of the world during a variety of eras: Paris in the ‘20s, California in the ‘60s, Amsterdam in the 1700s, etc. Her favorite Pioneer Valley Books character is Jasper the cat “because he likes to eat and sleep, two of my favorite things.” 


Rochelle Newbert, Senior Payroll & Benefit Specialist, makes sure everyone at PVB is paid correctly and on time. She loves working with people who love reading. As someone who's always up for a good mystery, she's a big fan of our Spy Busters! series. Her list of secretly hoarded items is unexpectedly lengthy, but since children's books are among them, we can't complain. However, she's hard-pressed to pick a favorite fictional character: "I can't pick just one best friend."


Audrey Bronson, Lead Account Compliance Representative, not-so-secretly collects all things Disney. If a movie were made about her, she'd be played by Jennifer Lawrence, and its theme song would be "I Have a Dream," from Tangled, naturally. If she could have a superpower, she'd choose invisibility, which might give her a leg up during all those games of hide-and-seek she plays with her niece. She finds her amazing co-workers a big perk of working for PVB, and names Quack the Duck as her favorite PVB character.


Erin ZambrunoSenior Staff Accountant, works with numbers all day—entering, analyzing, creating spreadsheets, all of the fun detail work. Her off hours activities are decidedly not numbers-based: running, working out, watching movies (B-grade horror is her favorite, but she also likes Sci-Fi, comedies, action, mafia… anything except history), spending time with her dog and husband, taking care of her houseplants, and many other things besides. The best piece of advice she's received is, "It doesn’t cost anything to be kind."




Donna DeCaro, Human Resources Business Partner, is responsible for leading the full spectrum of HR services and cultivating the employee experience at PVB. When it comes to superpowers, or what she considers superpowers, Donna would love to be able to sing and be an entertainer. She also identifies as a foodie, a mom, an animal lover, golfer, and runner. The best piece of advice she's gotten is, "You can’t be great at everything.  Be patient, as this too shall pass."




Dennis Shockro, Director of Information Technology, would like to have the ability to hit a golf ball straight. If a movie were made about him, he'd be played by Bill Murray, and its theme song would be "Friends in Low Places." He hoards good bourbon, and in his downtime Dennis enjoys golf, woodworking/building, and landscape and wildlife photography. Here at PVB he appreciates the great people who create a great workplace.


Jason Hiller, Senior Infrastructure Engineer, enjoys working with the nice people at PVB. If a movie were made about him, its theme song would be "Humble and Kind" by Tim McGraw, and he'd be played by Kevin Costner. His favorite fictional character is Tigger, and the best piece of advice he's received is, "Work hard, play hard, and make time for creating memories with friends or family." To that end, in his off hours he enjoys spending time with his family and traveling to the beach in Maine.


David King, Shopify Lead Developer


Wyatt BackholmSenior NetSuite Administrator


Maura Kavanah, Senior Technical Support Specialist


Molly Dolben, Senior Production Manager (aka Schedule Wrangler), leads a talented team of creative and accomplished professionals. When she's not here, Molly rides horses and listens to lots of music. Her favorite Pioneer Valley Books character is Rusty the Robot and the best piece of advice she's ever gotten is "Do or do not. There is no try."


Ann Caranci, Senior Graphic Designer, helps make the books and materials we publish find their inner awesomeness. What's extra awesome is that Ann is the illustrator of many of our beloved characters, including Princess Pig, Marshmallow the Pony, and Marvin Pig. Her Patronus is the sea turtle. Her desired superpower: "I would love the power to snap my fingers and motivate people (3 boys in particular) to do the most right and helpful thing." 


Katelyn E. Reynolds, Senior Graphic Designer, makes the books we publish look pretty. It's an open secret that she hoards clothes, and would benefit from Cher's clothes system in the movie "Clueless." In her spare time, Katelyn loves to travel, and especially enjoys live music shows. Her favorite fictional character is definitely Madeline, and her favorite PVB character is probably Oliver the Cat, "because what's better than a cat in a sweater?"


Gina Sousa is our Print Production Specialist. She manages the reprint process and provides much needed administrative support to the Production team. When she's not working, Gina enjoys trips to the beach, hiking, and spending time with her friends and family. If she could have any superpower, she'd want to be able to teleport so she could go anywhere at any moment. Gina's favorite Pioneer Valley Books character is Quack the Duck. The best advice she's ever gotten? "Don’t trip over something that’s behind you.”  


Elizabeth Greene, Senior Publishing Design Specialist, thinks of herself as being a small part of a big team helping children learn to love reading. If a movie were made about her, it would star Helena Bonham Carter and feature a lengthy soundtrack, since she can't possibly choose just one song. Her favorite fictional book character is Anne Shirley. As a dog mom to a brother and sister Yorkie team, Elizabeth naturally prefers PVB's Daisy and Jack over all others. When not working, you can find her spending time with family and friends, walking with the pups, baking, weaving, or knitting.


Kathleen Johnson, Senior Publishing Design Specialist, spends her days analyzing, inspecting, and updating design files. If a movie were made about her, its theme song would be "Blue Skies" by Ella Fitzgerald, and she'd be played by Sally Fields, wandering around an office wondering why she has so many pens. When she's not working, Kathleen likes to take the hound out for adventures to who knows where doing who knows what. Her favorite fictional characters are all the denizens of Pooh Corner, with Quack the Duck her current PVB frontrunner.


Naomi Shadix, Graphic Designer, didn't always know she would be a graphic designer, but her dad did. When she was around 8 years old, he took her to meet one of the branding designers at his work, and the rest is history. She loves working with PVB's adorable characters, especially her faves, Rusty the Robot and Oliver the Cat. Naomi does ballet in her spare time and enjoys teaching adult beginners how to dance in addition to developing her own skills. She would like the power of teleportation so she can make unlimited trips to the Pioneer Valley from where she lives in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.




Nick Dufresne, Chief Technology Officer, makes sure the internet is working and leads all the in-house software development. When he's not at work, he's spending time with family, running, biking, and swimming. He's also a local swim coach. He secretly hoards spare computer parts that will never be used by anyone.


Chief Operations Officer Matt Dufresne provides support to the executive team on a daily basis, wherever he is needed. Currently his primary focus is working on our websites and the Digital Reader platform. His favorite Pioneer Valley Books character is Oliver the Cat. Best advice he’s ever gotten? “Don’t be afraid of being a beginner.”


Jonathan Dufresne, Principal Software Developer, codes to develop features and fix bugs, and helps to plan out and design those features. He appreciates working with the great people at PVB, and helping to create a truly useful product that he believes in and that makes the world a slightly better place. In his off hours, Jon enjoys spending time outdoors, hiking and camping, as well as traveling around the world.


Justin Dufresne is our Principal Software Developer, spending his days writing and testing code to help enhance the Digital Reader. Justin loves to ski, hike, and bike, and is teaching his three daughters to enjoy the same. Naturally the superpower he'd opt for is the ability to fly, so that he could get to the top of the ski mountain faster. The best piece of advice he's ever gotten is, "Stop starting. Start finishing." 


By day, Managing Software Developer Mike Giver assists in overseeing our team of developers, but in his off hours he enjoys woodworking, baking bread, and playing synthesizers. If a movie was made about him, its theme song would the one from "The Price Is Right," and he'd be played by Tom Selleck, circa 1989. He votes for Oliver the Cat as his favorite PVB character, and notes that one of the best perks of working here is having access to so many excellent resources once his daughter is old enough to start reading. 


Nate Garland, Software Engineer I, works on the Literacy Footprints Digital Reader, internal business tools, and many new software projects to come. If a movie was made about him, his theme song would be "White and Nerdy" by Weird Al, and he'd be played by Meryl Streep, because "Meryl Streep can play anyone." His preferred superpower is super speed: he could accomplish more per day, travel for cheap, and catch his microwave at 1 second before it dings every single time. His favorite PVB character? Rusty the Robot, naturally.


Robyn Elliott, Software Product Manager


Our Senior Applications Designer, Sarah Curran, collaborates with the software developers working on the Digital Reader digital platform. Unbeknownst to her co-workers, Sarah collects cookie cutters, which give her an opportunity to use fun shapes in multiple ways. When she’s away from the office, she likes to watch movies, bake and decorate cookies, and have adventures with her husband and son. While her favorite literary character is Hercule Poirot, the detective of Agatha Christie fame, she has come to love Marshmallow the Pony, especially for his skill at sniffing out apples.


Mo Fiorella, Lead Digital Integration Representative, appreciates getting to help teachers teach and students learn. Over the course of time, Mo has inadvertently amassed a stash of paper, tiny scraps of decorative or handmade paper she can't bear to throw away—she'll use it someday! Some of her favorite spare time activities are growing flowers and vegetables, so when it comes to preferred super powers, she'd love a muscle boost to help her in the garden. The best piece of advice she's gotten (or possibly gave herself) is, "Not all decisions are hard decisions."




Andy Klepacki is our Facilities Engineer. Andy spends his time supporting the great PVB team while they're doing all the things that they need to do. Andy would love to have the super power of time travel; after all, who wouldn't love to have more time?! When Andy is away from PVB, he spends his "spare" time staying active outdoors, playing baseball and enjoying a range of two-wheeled fun, such as bicycling, mountain biking, and motorcycling. Which would explain his no-longer-secret hoarding habit of hoarding bikes!


Senior Warehouse Manager Jerome Maczka spends his days solving problems, keeping track of inventory, moving boxes of books, and doing pretty much anything that needs to be done. If you're looking for a blue Sharpie or box cutter around here, chances are that Jerome has a stockpile secretly stocked away. He likes the flexible schedule at PVB because it gives him time for his favorite activities outside of work: hiking, running, and traveling. If he had a superpower, Jerome would want to fly (so he could get anywhere at anytime for free!).


Rich Laurin, Senior Facilities Representative


Lorilee LaBarre, Warehouse Inventory Supervisor, believes in treating others as you would like to be treated. She loves the environment here at PVB. She is a hoarder of blankets, feeling you can never have enough, and living in New England, she's not wrong. When she's not working, Lorilee likes to go on adventures with her family. Her favorite fictional character is Harry Potter, and her favorite PVB character is Rusty the Robot.  


Austin Rego, Warehouse Associate, makes sure that customers get what they want by fulfilling orders and prepping them for shipping. He especially appreciates our office coffee machine for making mornings easy. Asked to pick the theme song of a movie about him, Austin names Dave Matthews Band's "Warehouse" (see what he did there?). He devotes much of his free time to music by playing guitar, listening to bands, and going to shows as much as he can. 


Julinette Vazquez-Pacheco, Lead Receiving Associate, counts boxes and books, drives the forklift, wrangles pallets, and more, all to ensure that when the customer makes an order we have it in stock. If her life was a movie, its theme song would be “lovely” by Billie Eilish (with Khalid) and she’d be played by Sandra Bullock. Her favorite fictional character is Harry Potter (“I’m Gryffindor btw.”), and when it comes to PVB characters, Rusty the Robot has her heart.


David Gagnon, Warehouse Machine Operator, assists fulfillment, assembly, and receiving. When he's not at work, David spends time on his art and photography, and plays bass. If a movie was made about him, his theme song would be "Short People" by Randy Newman, and he'd be played by Robin Williams. The best piece of advice he's ever gotten is "Do what needs to be done."


Jeff Collins, Warehouse Associate, spends his days picking orders and prepping them for shipping, and his nights (and other spare time) drawing and hanging with his family. If a movie was made about Jeff, its theme song would be "Superstition," by Stevie Wonder, and he'd be played by Steve Carell. He loves working close to home. He'd love it even more if he had the ability to fly, because then he wouldn't even have to drive. 


Terri T., Warehouse Associate, appreciates being part of a team helping children learn to love to read. She believes in kindness first, and some of her favorite pastimes are "glamping" with her husband, walking trails, and growing flowers. She loves books and reading, and her favorite PVB character is Quack the Duck. The best piece of advice she's received is, "Don't look back—except to remember the lesson."


Yomar Odasz, Assembler, would love the power of flight so that he could go anywhere in a jiffy. If a movie were made about him, its theme song would be "Uiyi Gauye," by Calle 13, and he'd be played by Will Smith. When he's not working, Yomar likes gaming on his Playstation, and his favorite literary character is Don Quixote. Here at PVB, he's on Team Bella.


Kathleen Osterhout, Assembler, would like to soar like a bird to fly all over visiting family. She loves being part of the PVB team, but when she's not working, you can find her spending time in the Adirondacks and White Mountains. Her favorite fictional characters are Tolkien's Hobbits, while her in-house pick is Daisy. The best piece of advice she's ever received is, "Live where you love, love where you live!"