Target Audience: K–2 Teachers
In Tandem sessions are professional learning opportunities created to support participants in understanding both the theory and practice of carefully sequenced, high-impact instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, reading, and writing. Each session spotlights the power of systemic phonics combined with dynamic literacy instruction. Additional follow-up options include modeling lessons and/or coaching during the implementation of the lessons. The In Tandem sessions are designed to support classroom, intervention, English language learners (ELL), and special education teachers in delivering high-quality, research-based reading instruction. Book a Professional Learning session now!

IT.1 Getting Started with In Tandem Lessons
This session is an overview of the In Tandem lesson framework. Each K–2 lesson framework begins with a spotlight on fostering phonemic awareness and phonics skills that are then tightly woven into reading and writing. Participants will walk away confident to begin implementing In Tandem lessons. Half- or full-day options available.

IT.2 Digging Deeper: Developing Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Skills
This session delves into the theory and hands-on practice of phonemic awareness and phonics activities in the In Tandem lessons. Participants will practice and deepen their understanding of these activities. They will also explore the benefits of responsive teaching using corrective feedback to scaffold learning and promote transfer to reading and writing. Half-day options available.
*Prerequisite Getting Started with In Tandem Lessons

IT.3 Digging Deeper: Building Reading and Writing Skills
This session explores the power of the reciprocity of reading and writing. Writing provides an opportunity to support and deepen students' comprehension of the text as they write about the book they’ve just read. Through both the reading and writing components, In Tandem also allows for demonstration of the connection between the processes of encoding and decoding. Participants will learn how to provide corrective feedback and analyze literacy behaviors in order to plan next steps for the reading and writing portions of the lesson. Half-day options available.
*Prerequisite Getting Started with In Tandem Lessons